01 Mar Letter from the Headteacher
Dear Parents
I am delighted to confirm that the school will reopen on Monday 8th March for all children. All children will attend full-time. We will be teaching the full National Curriculum as before the lock down. The re-opening plan will be familiar to you as it will be almost exactly the same as we finished the term in December. We will continue to close on Friday at lunchtime. Home learning for Friday afternoons will be set for all children. If you need to go to work and have no childcare facility, your child can complete their home-learning at school.
Start and finish times will remain staggered to ensure that the children, staff and visitors are safe. Please see the timings in bold below. There follows a summary of other changes that are necessary. Further information will be sent by newsletter during the first week.
Social Distancing
The children will be grouped into three bubbles which will not mix with each other. These will be;
Nursery/Reception/Year 1 and Year 2
Year 3 and Year 4
Year 5 and Year 6
This means that there will be no whole school assemblies. Lunchtimes and playtimes will be separate.
The arrangements for arriving and leaving school have been altered to ensure social distancing.
All parents are welcome to drop off their children at the school gates between 8.45 to 9am. The gates will be locked at 9 am as before. Please use the entrances described below.
Nursery/Reception please use the main office for entry from 8.45am and exit at 3.15pm
Year 1 and Year 2 please use Lennox Road playground gate for entry from 8.45am and exit at 3.20pm
Year 3 and 4 please use Hatley Road gate for entry from 8.45am and Lennox Road exit at 3.25pm;
Year 5 and 6 please use Hatley Road gate for entry from 8.45am and exit at 3.30pm.
The gate between playgrounds will not be in use. Parents please go around the outside of school to get from one playground to the other.
Parents and other visitors must wear masks at all times when on the school playground. Children will be expected to thoroughly wash their hands on arrival and regularly at other times. Please do not send hand sanitiser to school. Following government advice, children will not wear masks in school.
There will be a cleaner on site, during the day, who will regularly sanitise door handles, classroom equipment etc.
If your child has symptoms of COVID-19 while at home, you must keep them at home and seek medical advice. If a child develops symptoms at school, we will contact you immediately and they must be collected.
If you have any questions, the senior staff will be on the playground in the morning and after school to provide answers. I would welcome any suggestions that you may have of any improvements that we can make.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday 8th March.
Greg Crawford