Summary Update of School Improvement activities to date addressing the Ofsted report
We continue to work hard on improving all areas of teaching and learning in school. Here is a short summary of how we are addressing areas for improvement identified by OFSTED:
Ofsted Report Pooles Park FINAL November 2022
Phonics lead monitoring groups and modelling/directing RWI CPD where needed, with weekly sessions
2 RWI development days reviewed provision across the school (Nov, Feb) and identify good practice and next steps. The RWI consultant coached the TAs to develop their practice to teach phonics with accuracy and precision.
Emphasis on phonics/reading being highest priority in allocating staffing time (reviewed by SLT and phonics teachers)
More members of staff trained in RWI so more groups/differentiation (5 training sessions attended)
All members of staff delivering phonics are trained in RWI with 1xtraining booked for AHT to increase capacity.
Phonics learning walk conducted with LA consultant (Jan) identifying best practice to share as well as identifying next steps of coaching and modelling as well as signposting resources to develop blending.
AHT Modelling the structure, pace, and behaviour management techniques for phonics teachers to follow.
Teachers/TAs leaving phonics groups communicate and assess pupils to ensure the pitch is appropriately challenging for the children in class-improving transference of skills.
Introduction of Pseudo words for more Y1 children as we approach the summer term.
Using the RWI CPD resources individually/group at least weekly
Phonics tutoring in place (individual and groups)
Running records for other focus children in the school identify common trends of concept about print and rapid recall.
Tutoring in place for individuals and groups (lowest 20%) in Year 3⁄4.
Next step: Use RWI celebrations, Monitor Running records and trends
Next Step: Extra RWI session on a Friday to target specific skills
Phonics lead and RWI trained adult, in collaboration with RWI consultant, re-assessed all pupils in Y3/4 who are not fluent readers using the RWI assessment tracker and use this to inform groupings.
Teaching of RWI takes place for all children in LKS2 who have not completed the programme
English lead modelled RWI guided reading groups for support staff to observe.
LA Consultant delivered Inset on ways to support struggling readers on 13 December identified best practice strategies and refreshed staff knowledge and use of running records to support children’s reading 1:1 to develop fluent, confident and more accurate readers.
Tuition for individual and groups allocated to support for weaker readers should provide greater opportunity to practise and embed the sounds pupils learn.
Review and assessment of children’s Accelerated Reader books to ensure that the books pupils read are closely matched to the sounds that they have learned.
Next Step: Further individual and group CPD for teachers
Next Step: at least monthly review of vulnerable readers and reading books matching their Reading Range age band.
LA consultant reviewed planning with Curriculum Lead
Good resourcing identified for curriculum areas and in planning (supports subject knowledge and confidence)
Sense check of Medium Term Planning and review for suitability of children’s needs and coverage
Curriculum Expectations revised for EYFS
Single Year group planning in place
Learning Intentions reviewed and directly relate to lesson for all children
Maths coaching for teachers with LA consultant
Inset training on sharing best practice to support SEND/EAL
Maths Learning walk (Jan): using resources for fast recall of past learning and consolidating learning; adapting resources and reduction of reliance on worksheets. This provides pupils with more opportunity to revisit, practise and embed important ideas before progressing to more challenging learning.
Next step: Review of curriculum planning and books at end of Spring 2 to ensure it is sequenced so that pupils build their understanding cumulatively.
Net step: Transfer rapid recall strategies to wider curriculum providing further opportunities to revisit, practise and embed learning.
Regular monitoring and moderation of data and presentation to FGB monthly to develop a clear oversight of the impact of the curriculum for all pupils, including those with SEND.
New River College coaching with individual teachers to improve confidence and reduce low-level disruption leading to pupils becoming less distracted
SLT discussions/briefings to ensure high expectations of behaviour management and updating Appraisal targets/CPD allocation to incorporate this where necessary
Next step: Whole School Revisit of Behaviour policy and expectations
Next step: School led collaboration with New River College Review of behaviour across the school to identify themes and further CPD
Next step: pupil survey
Reviewed Learning Environment with New River College to support learning behaviours and identify curriculum opportunities
Curriculum Expectations revised for EYFS with SLT ensuring curriculum coverage
Staffing ensures children have access to the outside area throughout the day to extended learning, explore and develop their understanding of the world
Reduction in the reliance on limiting frames, eg worksheets through discussion and support from SLT
Next Steps: Revisit the timetable and planning in EYFS to ensure that all
adults are clear of the intent of all activities and consider where adult-directed activities would be more meaningful in smaller groups to ensure full engagement.